Semiautomagic Inc - Episode 27 - The Theotokos Incident

We now rejoin our story in progress as the Task Force deals with the revelation that they're up against Titania's old flame. Rowan and Solomon have themselves a tense confrontation, while getting back to work means paying a visit the latest site of reality unraveling: The Museum of Weird History

Dice & Virtue - Episode 25 - Fond Farewell

Join Gwen, Lanja, Maggie, Smith, and Reed as they bid a fond farewell to Rahale after spending the night partying among Gwen's wild-folk kin. Their departure from Rahale, bittersweet though it be, sets the stage for our next season.

Dice & Virtue is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign built on the shoulders of giants. We put out a new episode every Friday, and we love to hear from our listeners! We can be reached in the comments below, or on Twitter (@DiceAndVirtue), or by way of carrier pigeon.

Dice & Virtue - Episode 24 - The Works of the Madmen

Aboard the airship, Lanja's old friend introduces her to a man with the answers to the questions she's been asking since she left the Silent Savannah. When Gwen and Arden join her, the machinations of Mister Reed come to fruition.

Dice & Virtue is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign built on the shoulders of giants. We put out a new episode every Friday, and we love to hear from our listeners! We can be reached in the comments below, or on Twitter (@DiceAndVirtue), or by way of carrier pigeon.


Dice & Virtue - Episode 23 - The Way Back Home

Lanja, Gwen, and their team of misfits begin their journey back to the Holy Mountain. Along the way, they beeline toward the Starlight Sanctuary, where they spot a foreboding sight: the Zeppelin that abandoned the Pagoda as it careened toward the ground.

Dice & Virtue is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign built on the shoulders of giants. We put out a new episode every Friday, and we love to hear from our listeners! We can be reached in the comments below, or on Twitter (@DiceAndVirtue), or by way of carrier pigeon.

Dice & Virtue - Episode 22 - Defiler, Betrayer, Watcher, Spectre

Lanja and Gwen fend off the Creature That Once Was Sunny while they attempt to recover Grimoire Weiss and ascertain just what the hell is going on. When the Spectre enters the fray, some history between it and the Creature becomes clear.

Dice & Virtue is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign built on the shoulders of giants. We put out a new episode every Friday, and we love to hear from our listeners! We can be reached in the comments below, or on Twitter (@DiceAndVirtue), or by way of carrier pigeon.