Semiautomagic Inc - Episode 27 - The Theotokos Incident

We now rejoin our story in progress as the Task Force deals with the revelation that they're up against Titania's old flame. Rowan and Solomon have themselves a tense confrontation, while getting back to work means paying a visit the latest site of reality unraveling: The Museum of Weird History

Semiautomagic, Inc - Episode 26 - Let's Save Jewish Christmas

Our Holiday season special has arrived, just in time to save Vampire Hanukkah from the clutches of an ancient evil, offending as many people as humanly, faerie-ly, and vampiricly possible. Join Rowan, Fiona, and Solomon as they face down the Hanukkahbra and save Jewish Christmas!

Semiautomagic, Inc - Episode 25 - King of Land Portlandia

We check up on Rowan's quest for that gallon of drugs he's after, and his search walks him straight into the hipster king, whose name is impossible to reproduce in the written word. It's a wager of wits and wanton beard-waggling, but when Rowan recovers his prize, the Magic Bean goes up in smoke.

Semiautomagic, Inc - Episode 24 - Fae-sploitation

Fiona and Peroa Dahlma project themselves across metaphysical space-time in their efforts to uncover just what the hell's going on in the Nevernever. The sites of power designated in the Throne of Mists array point to a Fae history that even Fiona doesn't recognize.

Semiautomagic, Inc - Episode 23 - Nothing but Good News

Solomon and Rowan, on their way to meet Rowan's Three-Eye supplier, are intercepted by the illustrious Emperor Dr. Mrs. Bismark, PhD, Esquire Extraordinaire, who informs the buddy-cop duet of a lead she has on a literal nightmare factory that produces the stuff they need in the quantity they need. Their point of contact with the organization, one fearsome Reverend Stitch, proposes an unsavory deal.