(The Final Podblem S1E25) The Disappearance Of Lady Frances Carfax, Or: Two Birds, One Coffin
WHERE has an independently wealthy NOMADIC DAME gone? WHOMST is the BESTIAL, BYRONIC BRITON stalking her across Europe’s naturally-occurring hotels? WHY’M’STD’VE would Holmes stay home and send Watson on a romantic train ride ALL BY HIMS LONESOME when he could be sitting right beside him, pointing out which sheep had clearly been born on Tuesdays? Come join Nick and Casey as they discover the answers to these PUZZLEMENTS, as well as exploring DARING AND NEW donut shapes, enumerating the THREE KINDS of Twilight Zone episode, and the INCREASINGLY IMPROBABLE ways in which their lives have intertwined without their knowledge, featuring on this occasion A CATHEDRAL IN SWISSERLAND, it’s wild.
PODS & ENDS: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: And Other Lessons From The Crematory by Caitlin Doughty
The Detective Soup of the Week is: Your choice of HOTEL HAM or BURIAL-SHROUD BISQUE
Free e-text of this week’s story: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2348
Free audio of this week’s story: https://librivox.org/his-last-bow-version-3-by-sir-arthur-conan-doyle/
The Final Podblem is cohosted by Nicholas “The King of Casketball” Cohen and Casey 'Dracula’s Realtor' Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at semiautomagicinc.com, follow our twitter @TheFinalPodblem, email us at TheFinalPodblem@gmail.com and find our Patreon at patreon.com/semiautomagic, where you can become a patron to support the show, get early episodes and exclusive content!