Peculiar Objects, S1E12: Better Living Through Fear

HOW does the PTA exert such an iron grip over the sleepy hamlet of Spencer’s Folly without so much as breaking a pressed-on nail?

WHY does everyone in town seem to think it would be best for all involved if the search for wee missing Carly Figueroa were abandoned?

WHAT DO a Marshall, Deputy and Dogputy need for breakfast to start their mornings right, AND WHY CAN THEY ONLY HAVE IT WHEN THE BEES ARE ASLEEP?

The answers to these and more with a LITTLE UNEXPECTED HELP from the Mean Girls Wiki, this week on Peculiar Objects, sponsored this episode by Dick Van Patten's Hobo Chili For Dogs!

Peculiar Objects is run by Thony "Two Boxes Of Plot Donuts" Moore and played by Nigel "The Daredevil's Way" Collins and Casey "Strudel Spit-Take" Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at, and follow our twitters @Semiautomagi and @The_PO_Box!