Chapter 1: Dud Meat (S2E3)

It's a big day in Spencer's Folly for three young men, in more ways than they can realize.

WHAT is in the mysterious envelope to Jamal from the mayor, and why is there even a CHANCE it's an omelet?

CAN K.R. face the task before him, ESPECIALLY if he's wearing and embarrassing bunny-mask his mom made?

WHO is the youth offering DeSoto a ride and an opportunity, and WHAT stings will be attached?

Peculiar Objects Season 2 is run by Nigel Collins and played by Thony Moore, Steve Mims and Casey Hills, who also edits and produces it. Find it and more of our shows on the Semiautomagic Podcast Network at, and follow our twitters @Semiautomagi and @The_PO_Box!