The Final Podblem: The Read Headed League, or: What If Holmes, But Crime?

 The chapdudeladbois discuss being ginger for fun and profit, what the  hell a Raffles is, how capitalism turns adherence to the law into a  luxury not everyone can afford, and the finer points of objectively  insane Minnesotan vernacular. Also, Nick shares his very own real-life  Minute of Deduction and Casey is literally as wrong about how this story  ends as it is possible to be, like it's almost kind of impressive how  backwards he got it.

The Detective Soup of the Week is: Suspicious Delicious.

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The Final Podblem: The Adventure Of The Speckled Band, Or: Cheetah BIG Cat, This Too Smol!

British Bigfoot throws a blacksmith in a brook, and other less  alliterative occurrances! Assault with a deadly critter! The latest in  stupid architecture! A new candidate for Parliament is spottéd! Nick  tells us whether or not there are snakes and whether those snakes need  the cheese left off their burgers or whether they're kinda making a big  deal out of nothing.

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The Final Podblem: The Adventure Of Noble Bachelor, Or, Nothing Says Love Like Illegal Bones

The guys (Feat. Celebrated Local Cat Denmark J. Cat) discuss a story where almost nothing actually happens, Holmes and Lestrade solve the case of the Knife Alien, Nick recommends a movie where Alfred Pennyworth solves crimes with the bad guy from The Boxtrolls, America returns some blood it borrowed, and Casey fails to invent the word 'creationship' just when he needs it most.

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The Final Podblem: A Scandal In Bohemia, Or, Waiting For The Sun To Blink

What  would scare a king so badly that he sought the help of professional  jack's-ass and amateur sleuth Sherlock and his Holmie Watson? What was  Abraham Lincoln hiding from the American People under that hat? What the  hell is a sex-mink, and is owning a coat made out of one even legal, or  do you HAVE to be a king to get away with that kind of thing? The  answers to all these and more, plus Nick's recipes for impossible  beverages, the secret origins of sunglasses, and why men are truly their  own worst enemy this week on the thing! This thing! You know the thing I  mean.

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The Final Podblem: A Study In Scarlet Part Two, Or, ESCAPE FROM MORMONIA (With Special Guest Scout The Cat)

The guys wonder if they've accidentally picked up the novelization of American Horror Story: Salt Lake City, Nick is a real sport about Casey talking too much religion, we discover that Watson is from Mars and Holmes is from Venus, and two dudes to whom crime is least statistically likely to happen try to figure out society's obsession with True Tales of Murder.

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