Episode 20 - After School Debriefing

We recuperate after our victory over The Huntress and her stupid wolf crony at the Westfield Carter Hotel. Solomon reveals a plan that he hopes will turn the tide away from a defensive posture, and bring the fight straight to the Throne of Mists itself.

Episode 16 - Complex Eyebrow Semaphore

In this Rowan-centric episode, everyone's favorite bounty hunter with endless underground contacts makes his way to a magic fight club and places a bet for information. When the terms of that bet are put in contention, Rowan finds himself caught in a web of bureaucracy that he must fight to survive.

Episode 14 - Chronic Italianism

We now return to our regularly scheduled podcast, with Rowan's journey into the Dark Womb of Accountancy, Fiona's tea time, and Solomon's anger at silly things slowly coming to a boil. The mystery surrounding January Olliander and Joel Heck begins to bare its threads. All this and more, here on Semiautomagic, Inc!

Episode 08 - Altozephyr

Semiautomagic, Inc is back again this week, with an episode largely devoted to the mystery of Altozephyr, the persona non grata what had enthralled the young Preston boy. Rowan and Fiona pay a visit to the Museum of Weird History, wherein everyone's favorite German-accented curator has uncovered part of our saxophone-based mystery. Things start going bad for Solomon anytime someone mentions the name Altozephyr.

Altozephyr's a meanie.

*Special Note: We're late with this release due to technical difficulty. Because of these events, I've opted to get the episode out there in a mostly-uncut capacity, rather than delay the release any further. I apologize, and will do better next time, lest the beatings continue. -DS

Episode 07 - Unraveling Theodore Preston VI

On this week's episode, our wayward trio of truants clean up the mess they created in their attempt to bring down the dangerous warlock, Theodore Preston VI. It goes better than they expect, thanks to the arrival of a weathered and weary old woman.

Join us for more, every other Monday, right here on Semiautomagicinc.com!

Episode 05 - Wherein a Plan is Hatched

After a lengthy hiatus, we return with a very special episode that has seen hellfire, been rescued from the abyss itself, and has finally made its way to you, the listener! We're not quite back to our regularly scheduled broadcaster (and more on that soon), but this has been in the can for months, so it's finally made its way to the light of day.